The Anomalist


The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates 

by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe

The Field Guide to Bigfoot

From the book...

We are not alone. If there is any truth to the testimony of eyewitnesses worldwide, we appear to live amid a variety of humanlike and apelike creatures whose existence has been largely ignored, forgotten, or denied, at least in recent history. Despite the crowding of the earth's surface with our species and the encroachment of Homo sapiens into the mountains, wildernesses, and wild places around the world, there is apparently ample room left over for our elusive cousins to hide. And they have done just that-for the most part. But as the reports of encounters accumulate, it has become increasingly clear that an understanding of these creatures lies not in myth, folklore, and legend, but, ultimately, in reality...

Just as Linnaeus, in 1735, envisioned bringing order to the chaos that reigned between cultures, nations, languages, and different authors with regard to life-forms in the natural world, we hope this field guide brings some order to the mass of reports of seemingly unrelated and diverse species of unknown hairy hominoids seen worldwide.

"...a remarkable achievement...It is a bold attempt to bring some order to a world-wide mystery, and will stand as a seminal work in years to come."
--Bufo Calvin's Weird World

"If only one of these creatures is verified by naturalists, it would be a biological sensation...The book is well-researched with a good bibliography."
--Science Frontiers

" intelligent, absorbing overview, taking material that is certainly controversial--and, to some downright outlandish--and making surprising sense of it."
--Jerome Clark, author of Unexplained!

"A very useful resource book describing the many unknown primate-like animals scattered to the four corners of the globe."
--Fortean Times

"...this book gives excellent drawings based on eyewitness descriptions of a wide variety of hairy humanoids from all continents."

". . . a new kind of wildlife-viewing experience. . .the book addresses a gaping hole in the field of primatology."
--Joe Bob Report

"The results will likely startle you as they did me...I highly recommend it for anyone with an interest in cryptozoology."

"It's sort of speculative taxonomy, but I think it is one of the most useful texts in the ongoing controversy over Bigfoot. . ." --Whole Earth

This updated reprint, published by Anomalist Books, is available from Amazon and other bookstores.