The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials
by Patrick Huyghe
From the book...
about what the aliens
really look like have haunted UFO researchers
for years. Some think
that the human-looking entities, such as the
blond "Nordics," might
actually be screen memories imposed by the
aliens. Behind the mentally
imposed human mask lies the actual alien face,
they say, though what
the real underlying face looks like might be
difficult to uncover. In
one case, a witness told California
psychologist Richard Boylan that
she had encountered a "spaceman." When he
invited her to look closely
at the face of the "human" spaceman, she
replied, "Oh my! It's not
human after all, it's one of those Grays." But
when he then suggested
that she look closely at the face of the Gray,
she realized that the
Gray was actually a reptoid.
real nature of these aliens is obviously
quite elusive. One case in particular drives
the point home. It took
place on the night of May 30, 1974, in South
Africa. When asked by the
hypnotist what the aliens looked like, the
witness replied, "They
looked how I wanted them to look..."
Avon Books, 1996
ISBN 0-380-78128-X
New Enligh Library, 1997
ISBN 0-340-69503-X
Trade Paperback, 136 pages
54 illustrations
field guides go, this one is out of this world!"
--Tattered Cover
"Once the concept of extraterrestrials managed
to dominate very nook
and cranny of the media, it was inevitable that
someone would proceed
to deal with them scientifically
and establish a taxonomy...
--Skeptical Briefs
"A useful reference guide that blows your mind.
Very well done."
--The INFO Journal
"...a useful refernce work...well written and
entirely neutral in tone.
Huyghe's work deserves to be accepted into the
ufological canon, and
once the endless Roswell cash-ins have withered
and died, I suspect
this book will still be going strong."
--Fortean Times
"Thought provoking and recommended."
--The MUFON Journal
"Who knows? In centuries to come, Huyghe may be
considered the Linnaeus
of extraterrestrials."
--UVA Alumni News |
Both Editions are
Signed NEL Editions