Part 3: Footnotes
1. Graves, Kersey The Bible of
Bibles Boston, 1879 p. 123.
Graves, Kersey The World's 16 Crucified Saviors Boston, 1875
pp. 344-6
2 Cleve, Felix M. The Giants of Pre-Sophistic Greek Philosophy: An
Attempt to Reconstruct their Thoughts Martinus Nijhoff, 1965 pp.
Dick, Steven J. Plurality of Worlds: The Extraterrestrial Life
Debate from Democritus to Kant Cambridge U. Press, 1982 p. 19.
3. Eliade, Mircea A History of Religious Ideas, volume 1 Univ.
of Chicago, 1978 pp. 312-17, 320-1.
Wiers, Walter Last Battle for Earth Amherst, 1978 pp. 195, 387.
4. Wittman, Richard C. "Flying Saucers or Flying Shields" The
Classical Journal, 63 (1968) pp. 223-6.
5. Schweitzer, Albert The Quest of the Historical Jesus McMillan,
Guignebert, Charles Jesus University, 1956.
Rubinsky, Yuri and Wiseman, Ian History of the End of the World Morrow,
Kottmeyer, Martin S. "Cosmic Whoppers" The Devil's Advocate #8 circa
July 1997 pp. 1-5.
6. Von Kevicsky, Colman S. "The Ufo Sighting Over Nuremberg in 1561" Official
Ufo January 1976 pp. 36-7.
Billig, Otto Flying Saucers - Magic in the Skies Schenkman,
1982 pp. 48-55.
7. Webb, James The Occult Underground Open Court, 1974 p. 22.
Sigstedt, C. Odhmer The Swedenborg Epic AMS Press, 1952 pp.
Toksvig, Signe Emanuel Swedenborg: Scientist and Mystic Yale
U., 1948 pp. 183-94.
Cohen, Daniel Masters of the Occult Dodd, Mead, 1971 pp. 61-5.
8. Cohen, Daniel The Great Airship Mystery Dodd, Mead, 1984
pp. 10-11, 15, 28.
9. Ibid., p. 50.
10. Ibid., p. 48
Jacobs, David The UFO Controversy in America Signet, 1976 pp.
11. Blanshard, Paul Freedom and Catholic Power in Spain and
Portugal Beacon, 1962 pp. 236-7.
12. Urides, Eros (A Martian) The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants Universarium
Foundation, 1981 p. 30.
13. "Planetary Travels" in Shepard, Leslie Encyclopedia of
Occultism and Parapsychology Gale Research, 1978 p. 958.
14. Gross, Loren Charles Fort, The Fortean Society, and UFOs Loren
Gross, 1976 p. 79.
15. Doubt #19, witness #47
16. Doubt #19, witness #73.
17. Bloecher, Ted Report on the Ufo Wave of 1947 Bloecher,
1967 p. I-9.
18. "Saucers Nothing New to Governor" New Orleans Picayune July
9, 1947 p. 3.
19. Gross, op. cit., p. 80
"Broken Saucers" Newsweek July 21, 1947 p. 22.
20. Keyhoe, Donald "The Flying saucers Are Real" True
January 1950 in Girard, Robert An Early UFO
Scrapbook Arcturus Books
21. Scully, Frank Behind the Flying Saucers Henry Holt, 1950
p. 207.
22. Fawcett Books, 1950 p. 14.
23. Gross, Loren UFOs: A History: 1950: August-December Gross,
1982 p. 34.
24. Heard, Gerald The Riddle of the Flying Saucers Harper,
1951 chapter 12.
25. Gross, Loren UFOs: A History: 1951 Gross, 1983 p. 14.
26. Dove, Lonzo "The Mars Explosions and the Flying Saucers" Space
Review, 2, #2 (July 1953) p. 3.
27. Wilkins, H.T. Flying Saucers on the Attack Ace Star, 1967
p. 260.
28. Ruppelt, Edward J. The Report on Ufos Doubleday, 1954 p.
29. Menzel, Donald "The Truth About Flying Saucers" Look, 16, #13 June
17, 1952 pp. 35ff.
Liddel, Urner "Phantasmagoria - Unusual Observations in the Atmosphere"
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 43, #4 April
1953 p. 317.
30. "Saucer Reactions" Life June 9, 1952 p. 2.
31. Bender, Albert K. Space review: Complete File Saucerian,
--, p. 21
32. Condon report.
33. Bender, op. cit., p. 25.
34. Bender, op. cit., p. 42.
35. Miller, Max B. "Excerpts from official News Release by Flying
Saucers International" Space Review, 2, #2 April 1953 p. 11.
36. Keyhoe, Donald Flying Saucers from Outer Space Holt, 1953
pp. i, 249.
37. Chamberlin, E.R. Antichrist and the Millennium Saturday
Review Press, 1975 pp. 205-6.
38. Layne, Meade Coming of the Guardians BSRF, --, p. 33.
39. Story, Ronald Encyclopedia of Ufos Doubleday, 1980 pp.
40. Barker, Gray They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers University,
1956 pp. 36-58.
41. Angelucci, Orfgeo "Saucers First Contact Revealed" 20th Century
Times #1 February 19, 1953 pp. 1-8.
Hall, Richard "Atom Bombs, Spaceships, and Salvation" Official Ufo August
1976 p. 51.
Angelucci, Orfeo Million Year Prophecy Arcturus book service,
42. Kottmeyer, Martin "Ego Freakout and the Saucerers of Doom" The
Wild Places #3 (1991) pp. 24-8.
43. Barker, op. cit., pp. 231-3
Moseley, James W. "The Solution to the Flying Saucer Mystery" Saucer
News, 3, #4 June/July 1956
pp. 3-6.
44. Festinger, Leon and Rieken, Henry W. and
Schachter, Stanley When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological
Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World Harper,
MacDougall, Curtis D. Superstition and the Press Prometheus,
1983 pp. 608-9.
Collins, H.M. and Cox, Graham "Recovering Relativity: Did Prophecy
Fail?" Social Studies of Science, 6 (1976) pp. 423-44.
Law, John "Prophecy Failed (For the Actors)!" Social Studies of
Science, 7, (1977) pp. 367-79.
45. Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery Criterion,
1958 p. 206.
46. Adamski, George Inside the Space Ships Abelard-Schuman,
1955 pp. 238-41.
Adamski, George Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery Paperback
Library, 1967 pp. 59, 96.
47. Hall, op. cit., p. 51.
Williamson, George Hunt Other Tongues-Other Flesh Neville-Spearmna,
1965 pp. 161-5.
48. Williamson, ibid., pp. 431-8.
49. Leslie, Desmond and Adamski, George Flying Saucers Have Landed British
Book Centre, 1953 p. x.
50. Wilkins, H.T. Flying Saucers Uncensored Pyramid, 1967 pp.
8, 140.
51. Davis, Isabel and Bloecher, Ted Close Encounter at Kelly and
Others of 1955 CUFOS, 1978 pp. 184-6.
52. Nelson, Buck My Trip to Mars, the Moon, and Venus Quill,
-- p. 20.
53. Urantia Foundation The Urantia Book U.F., 1955 pp. 621-36,
1293, 1300-1.
54. Truman Bethurum's Personal Scrapbook Arcturus Book
Service, 1982.
55. Ruppelt, op. cit., pp. 243, 277.
56. University Books, 1956 pp. 173-4.
57. Girvan, Waveny Flying Saucers and Common Sense Citadel,
1956 pp. 21-2, 141-2.
58. Layne, op. cit., p. 64.
59. Jessup, M.K. Ufo and the Bible Citadel, 1956 pp. 102, 113
60. INTCAT #632 MUFOB #8 Autumn 1977 p. 8.
61. Dickhoff, Robert Ernst Homecoming of the Martians: An
Encyclopedic Work on Flying Saucers Health Research, 1964 p. 174.
62. Reich, Wilhem Contact With Space Core Pilot, 1957 p. 151.
63. "The Cloudy Crystal Ball" Skeptics UFO Newsletter #14 June
1992 p. 8.
64. INTCAT #697 MUFOB #10 Spring 1978 p. 10.
65. Dickhoff, op. cit., p. 157.
66. Kraspedon, Dino My Contact with Flying Saucers Neville
Spearman, 1960 pp. 52-6.
67. Schmidt, Reinhold "The Kearney Incident" Flying Saucers October
1959 pp. 31-45.
Sagan, Carl and Shklovskii, I.S. Intelligent Life in the Universe Delta,
1966 pp. 13-18.
Brownell, Winfield S. Ufos: Key to Earth's Destiny Legion of
Light, 1980 pp. 52-62.
Green, Constance and Lomask, Milton Vanguard - A History NASA,
1970 pp. 185ff.
68. INTCAT #658 MUFOB #9 Winter 1977-8 p. 7.
69. "Mysterious Broadcast from Space Ship?" Flying Saucers February
1959 pp. 35-7.
70. Hynek, J. Allen and Vallee, Jacques The Edge of Reality Henry
Regnery, 1975 pp. 183-5.
"Venus Attack Hoax" Ufo Investigator, 1, #6 (1958) p. 7.
71. Sutin, Lawrence Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick Harmony,
1989 p. 98.
72. "Venus as an Ufo Source" Ufo Investigator 1, #6 (1958) p.
73. Mustapa, Margit Book of Brothers Vantage, 1963 pp. 99-103,
116, 189.
74. Jung, Carl Flying Saucer Princeton U., 1978 pp. 5-6.
75. "Interview: Ray Stanford" Psychic March/April 1974 pp. 10,
"Out of the Past" CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, #4 August/September
1984 pp. 4-6 and #6, pp. 7-8.
Hall, Richard The Ufo Evidence NICAP, 1964 pp. 91-2.
76. Tacker, Lawrence Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force Van
Nostrand, 1960 pp. 42-6.
77. Flammonde, Paris The Age of Flying Saucers Hawthorne, 1971
p. 137.
78. Paige, Frank L. "Museum Curator to Have Visited the Planet Venus" Beyond
February 1971 pp. 70-5.
79. Flammonde, op. cit., p. 145.
80. Lord, Harry "Search for Patterns" Flying Saucers January
1963 pp. 66-9.
81. Moseley, James W. Jim Moseley's Book Of Saucer News Saucerian,
1967 pp. 72-3.
82. Fry, Daniel The White Sands Incident Best Books, 1966
83. Schwarz, Berthold E. Ufo Dynamics I Rainbow, 1983 pp.
Keel, John Why Ufos? Manor, 1976 p. 262.
84. Bowen, Charles The Humanoids Henry Regnery, 1969 p. 110.
85. Bowen, op. cit., p. 112.
86. Bowen, op. cit., p. 119.
87. Fowler, Raymond E. Casebook of a Ufo Investigator Prentice-Hall,
1981 pp. 42-3
88. Shuttlewood, Arthur The Warminster Mystery Tandem, 1976
pp. 109-10
89. Ibid., pp. 106-7
90. Edwards, Frank Flying Saucers-Serious Business Bantam,
1966 pp. 182-3.
Edwards, Frank Flying Saucers-Here and Now Bantam, 1968 pp.
91. Lorenzen, Coral Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence for the
Invasion from Outer Space Signet,1966 p. 278.
Lorenzen, Coral and Jim Ufos Over the Americas Signet, 1968 p.
92. Binder, Otto What We Really Know About Flying Saucers Fawcett,
1967 p. 224
Barker, Gray MIB - The Secret Terror Among Us New Age, 1983
93. McCarthy, Paul E. Politicking and
Paradigm-Shifting: James E. McDonald and the Ufo Case Study University
of Hawaii dissertation, December 1975, pp. 109, 111, 123.
94. Shuttlewood, op. cit., pp. 204-5.
95. Gilmoor, Daniel, ed., The Scientific Study of Ufos Bantam,
1969 p. 306.
Saunders, David and Harkins, R. Roger Ufos? Yes! Signet, 1968
p. 152.
96. Ribera, Antonio Ufo Contact from Planet Ummo UFO Photo
Archives, 1985 pp. 320-31.
97. Shuttlewood, Arthur Warning from Flying Friends Portway,
1968 pp. 201, 202, 220, 265.
Shuttlewood, Arthur Ufos - Key to the New Age Regency, 1971
pp. 55, 176, 211-6.
98. Keel, John The Mothman Prophecies Signet, 1975 pp. 138-9.
Keel, John Why Ufos? Manor, 1976 pp. 255-64.
99. Salisbury, Frank The Utah Ufo Display Devin-Adair, 1978 p.
Letter, Frank Salisbury, August 28, 1985.
100. Wilson, Clifford and Weldon, John Close Encounters: A Better
Explanation Master, 1978 p. 127.
101. Burge, Weldon The Ufo Cults --,-- p. 24.
102. Fawcett, George D. "Explosive Situation for 1968" Flying
Saucers April 1968 pp. 22-3.
103. Science, 154 (1967) p. 1503 and Science 160 (14
June 1968)
104. Klein, Larry "The Fallen Angels" Saucer News #72 Summer
1968 pp. 6-8.
105. Lore, Gordon I.R. and Denault, Harold H. Mysteries of the
Skies: Ufos in Perspective Prentice-Hall, 1967 p. 190
106. Shuttlewood, Warnings, op. cit., p. 19.
107. pp. 44-5.
108. Vallee, Jacques Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-69 North
Atlantic, 1992 p. 386.
109. Steiger, Brad Gods of Aquarius Berkley, 1976 pp. 96-7.
110. Rimmer, John A. "The Seventies - A Prognostication" Merseyside
Ufo Bulletin 2, #6 (November/December 1969) pp. 65-7.
111. Menzel, Donald "Ufos - A Modern Myth" in Sagan, Carl and Page,
Thornton, ed. Ufos - A Scientific Debate Norton, 1972 p. 146.
112. Beyond, May 1969 p. 8.
113. Beyond, February 1970 pp. 52-7.
114. Norman, Eric Gods, Demons and Spece Chariots Lancer, 1970
p. 10.
115. Randi, James "Claims of Prophetic Powers - A Serious Investigation
Needed" Skeptical Inquirer, 8 #2 p. 106.
116. Coleman, Loren and Clark, Jerome The Unidentified Warner,
1975 p. 220.
117. Hubbard, Harold W. Visitors from Lanulos Vantage Press,
1971 pp. 29, 40, 88.
118. Ufo Investigator, December 1971, p.1 and March 1973, p. 1
and November 1973, p.1.
119. Trench, Brinsley le Poer Mysterious Visitors: The Ufo Story Stein
& Day, 1973 p. 12
120. Rosenblum, Arthur Unpopular Science Running Press, 1974
p. 74.
121. Ibid.
Puharich, Andrijah Uri Anchor, 1974 pp. 175, 179, 218.
122. Coleman & Clark, op. cit., pp. 240-1.
123. Melton, J. Gordon "Comet Kohoutek - Fizzle of the Century" Fate,
May 1974 p. 58.
Fisher, Joe Predictions V.N. Reinhold, 1980 pp. 170, 218.
Keel, 1975, op. cit., p. 139.
MacDougall, op. cit., pp. 55-6.
Von Hoffman, Nicholas "Von Hoffman Celebrates Own Elson" (Madison, WI) Capital
September 21, 1972.
Dorgan, Mike "Dick Gregory Lured by Elson's Comet Prophecy" Capital
Times December 19, 1973
Dorgan, Mike "Who Will Elson Save from the Path of Destruction" Capital
Times undated clip
Pfefferkorn, Robert "Elson Disciples of Aten Plan King Tut Heist"
(Wisconsin) State Journal May 8, 1977.
Gribble, Robert A. "Liberty buried, May Be Resurrected" State
Journal March 6, 1979.
LaBrasca, Robert "Eddie Finally Makes the Tube" Press Connection September
29, 1978.
Ryan, Frank "Elson Zaps NBC with his Fake Stand-In for Special TV Show"
UPI, undated
Kreisman, Irvin "Elson to Wed couple in Air" Capital Times March
19, 1979.
124. Hartmann, William K. "Historical Perspectives: Photos of Ufos" in
Sagan and Page, op. cit., p. 21.
Jacobs, David "The Debunkers" in Fuller, Curtis Proceedings of the
First International Ufo Congress Warner, 1980 p. 131.
125. Blum, Ralph and Judy Beyond Earth Bantam, 1974 preface.
126. Sprinkle, R. Leo Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Conference
on Ufo Investigation May 23, 24, 25, 1980 p. 84.
127. Norman, op. cit., pp. 63-82.
128. Eden, Jerome Planet in Trouble: The UFO Assault on Earth Exposition,
1973 pp. 187-9.
129. Schwarz, Berthold Ufo Dynamics - Book 1 Rainbow, 1983 pp.
130. Waite, Dennis "A Sense of Sport" Probe the Unknown Spring
1974 p. 30.
131. Stringfield, Leonard Situation Red: The Ufo Siege Fawcett
Crest, 1977 p. 185.
132..Sheaffer, Robert Ufo Sightings: The Evidence Prometheus,
1998 pp. 168-9.
133. "When Will Ufos Return to the Southwestern U.S." Anomaly #8 Summer
1972 p. 144.
134. Sheaffer, op. cit., p. 168.
Barker, Gray The Year of the Saucer - 1983 New Age, 1983 p. 56.
135. Evans, Hilary The Evidence for Ufos Aquarius, 1983 pp.
Delval, Pierre Contacts du 4e Type DeVecchi, 1979 pp. 160-5.
136. Womack, John H. I Was Picked Up vy a U.F.O. Helms, 1975
137. Ufo Report Winter 1975 p. 72.
138. Lorenzen, Jim and Coral Abducted! Berkley, 1977 p. 42.
139."The Cloudy Crystal Ball" Skeptic UFO Newsletter #14 March
1992 p. 8.
140. Balch, Robert W. "Looking Behind the Scenes in a Religious Cult:
Implications for the Study of Conversion" Sociological Analysis,
41, (1980) #2 pp. 137-43.
141. Greenfield, Allen H. "Aerial Phenomena Perspectives, 1975" Ufo
Notebook, 2, #5
142. Cohen, Daniel The World of Ufos Lippincott,
1978 p. 73.
Gray Barker's Newsletter #6 (1976) pp. 4-5.
143. Flying Saucer Churches" The Future #1 (1976) p. 23.
144. Sprinkle, Leo "Messages from Space" in Fuller, Proc., op.
cit., pp. 299-300.
145. O'Brien, Glenn "The Saucer Men of Tennessee" Oui August
1977 pp. 92, 94.
146. MUFOB #10 Spring 1978.
147. De Herrera, John The Etherian Invasion Hwong, 1978 p. 121.
Beckley, Timothy green "Aliens Among Us" Ufo Report #6 November
1979 p. 10.
Fergus, George "review of Jupiter Effect Reconsidered" Skeptical
Inquirer 7, #1 Fall 1982 pp. 66-7.
Magocsi, Oscar Beyond my Space Odyssey in Ufos Quest, 1983 pp.
148. "Doctor Claims He Feared Invasion by Space Aliens" undated tabloid
149. Steiger, op. cit., pp. 251-2.
150. Macer-Story, Eugenia Congratulations: The UFO Reality p.
151. Mishlove, Jeffrey "The Wrath of the Ufo Prophet" Fate February
1979 pp. 62-70
Mishlove, Jeffrey Preliminary Investigation of Events Which Suggest
the Applied Psi Abilities of Mr. Ted Owens Washington
ResearchCentre, 1978.
"Sky Show Leads to Ufo Speculation" The Press Democrat (Santa
Rosa, CA) December 9, 1976 (Thanks to Steve Poleski!)
152. Woodrew, Greta On a Slide of Light: A Glimpse of Tomorrow New
Age, 1981 pp. 34, 56, 93.
153. Sheaffer, op. cit., p. 165
154. Sheaffer, op. cit., p. 124
155. Vallee, Jacques Messengers of Deception And/Or, 1979 p.
156. Fowler, Raymond Andreasson Affair Prentice-Hall, 1979 p.
157. Michael, Cecil Signs and Wonders Mojave, 1977 pp. 89-92,
158. Buck, Roland Angels on Assignment Hunter, 1979
Radio interview of Buck, WILY (Centralia, IL) August 1, 1979.
159. Clark, Jerome "Ufo Update" Ufo Report August 1978 p. 12.
Saunders, David R. "A Spatio-Temporal Invariant for Major Ufo Waves" in
Dornbos, Nancy Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference CUFOS,
1976 pp. 231-3.
Hendry, Allan The Ufo Handbook Doubleday, 1979 pp. 254-8.
"Ufo Wave Over Russia" Flying Saucer Review, 24, #3 November
1978 p. 24.
160. Smith, Warren Predictions for 1977 Award, 1976
Beckley, Timothy Green "Famous Psychics Reveal Key to the Ufo
Phenomenon" Ufo Report September 1977 pp. 52-6.
Hewes, Hayden "Jeanne Dixon's Ufo Visions" ESP 2, #2 March
1977 pp. 50, 57-8.
161. Steiger, Brad Alien Meetings Ace, 1978 pp. 184-96.
162. Hendry, Allan "The Great Ufo Flap that FloppedÖSo Far" International
UFO Reporter undated.
Sheaffer, op. cit., p. 272.
Letter from Allan Hendry to Phil Klass, February 11, 1981.
163. Druffel, Ann "Encounter on Dapple Gray Lane" in Rogo, D. Scott Ufo
Abductions Signet, 1980 pp. 160-82.
164. Watson, Nigel "A Stranger in the City" MUFOB #14 Spring
1979 p. 8.
Watson, Nigel Portraits of Alien Encounters Valis, 1990 pp.
99-119, 155-64.
165. Sprinkle, R.L "Using the Pendulum Technique in the Investigation
of Ufo Experiences" UPIAR, 3, #1 (1978/79) pp. 212-4.
166. Frontiers of Science July-August p. 37
167. Sandell, Roger "10 Years On" MUFOB #10 Spring 1978 p. 7.
Smith, Warren UFO Trek Zebra, 1976 pp. 153-78.
168. Wilson, Clifford and Weldon, John Close Encounters: A Better
Explanation Master, 1978 pp. 48-9.
Wilson, Clifford Ufos and their Mission Impossible Signet,
169. Gris, Henry and Dick, William The New Soviet Psychic
Discoveries Warner, 1978 p. 244.
170. Clark, Jerome "Startling New Evidence" UFO Report August
1978 p. 78.
171. "Ufo Flap - Italian Style" International UFO Reporter 4, #5 November
1979 pp. 13-15.
172. Frontiers, op. cit., pp. 29-30.
173. "No Show Ufos" Fate June 1980 p. 56.
174. Harvey, Michael "Flying Saucers and the Offbeat Syndrome" True
Ufos #13 Spring 1979 p. 76.
175. Montgomery, Ruth and Garland, Joanne Ruth Montgomery: Herald
of the New Age Dolphin/Doubleday, 1986 pp. 218-9, 230-1.
176. More Saucer Tit (Moseley's zine) September 10, 1979.
177. "Predicted Massive Ufo Landings" Ufo Review #7 (1980) p.
178. Randles, Jenny The Pennine Ufo Mystery Grenada, 1983 p.
Randles, Jenny "Anatomy of a Ufo Wave" International Ufo Reporter
11 #2 March/April 1986 pp. 4-8, 19.
179. Steiger, Brad The Star People Berkley, 1981 p. 53.
180. Frontiers, op. cit., pp. 17, 37.
181. Mano, D. Keith "Cosmic Watergate" National Review September
5, 1980 p. 1096.
182. Druffel, Ann and Rogo, D. Scott Tujunga Canyon Contacts Prentice-Hall,
1980 pp. 206-7.
Denaerdre, Stefan and Stevens, Wendelle C. Ufo Contact from Iarga Wendelle
Stevens, 1982.
183. "Psychics Alert the World: 1982 Will Be Year of Great UFO
Invasion" Ufo Sightings November
184. Clark, Jerome "Waiting for the Space Brothers" Fate May
1986 pp. 68-77.
185. "A New Book on the Ufo Situation in China Flying Saucer
review, 28, #6 August 1983 p. 23.
186. Stevens, Wendelle C. Ufo Contact from the Reticulum Update Stevens,
1989 pp. 70-1.
187. Real People NBC, October 1982.
188. "Couple Waits for Visit from Outer Space - Woman Starves" AP,
December 12, 1982.
189. Seers, Stan Ufos-The Case for Scientific Myopia Vantage,
1983 pp. 198-210, 219.
Bailey, Ronald Eco-Scam: The False Prophets of Ecological
Apocalypse St. Martin's, 1993 ch. 5.
190. "The Cloudy Crystal Ball" Skeptics Ufo Newsletter #14 March
1992 p. 8.
191. Dobbs, J.R."Bob" The Book of the SubGenius McGraw-Hill,
1979/83 p. 118.
Beckley, Timothy Green "Space People are Behind My Amazing powers" Ufo
Universe, 1 #5 July 1990 p. 70.
192. Klass, Philip J. Ufo Abductions: A Dangerous Game Prometheus,
1989 pp. 148-9.
Strieber, Whitley The Secret School HarperPaperbacks, 1997 p.
193. Kottmeyer, "Freakout," op. cit.
Strieber, Whitley Transformation: The Breakthrough Birch Tree,
1988 p. 58.
194. Paranet File Number: 00117
195. Fowler, Raymond E. The Watchers Bantam, 1990 p. 355.
196. Clark, Jerome "The Last Decade" IUR, 15, #2 March/April
1990 p. 20.
197. Clarke, David and Roberts, Andy Phantoms of the Skies Robert
hale, 1990 p. 175.
198. Skeptics UFO Newsletter #40 July 1996 p. 7.
199. Cooper, Vicki "1992 Predictions" Ufo, 7, #1 (1992) pp.
200. Skeptics UFO Newsletter #33 May 1955 p. 4.
201. Mack, John Abduction Scribner's, 1994.
202. Earth Changes Predictions, 2, #8 May 1996 website
203. Mandelker, Scott From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America Birch
Lane, 1995 chapter 10.
204. Boylan, Richard Labored Journey to the Stars author, 1976
no proper pagination.
205. Emery, C. Eugene "Harvard Launches John Mack Attack: Abduction
Psychiatrist's Scholarship Questioned" Skeptical Inquirer, 19, #5 September/October
1995 pp. 3-4.
206. "Q & A with Rich Boylan" web document dated February 5, 1996.
207. "Space the Frequencies of Light" Children of Light Newsletter April
1996, p. 5 excerpted in Earth Changes Predictions, 2, #8 website.
208. ibid.
209. "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before it is Recycled" tape
transcript web document of Heaven's Gate.
210. Debbie Jordon's UFO Research Page webdocument.
211. Gernann, Valentine H. Ufo Search #9:part 4d webdocument.
212. Jacobs, David The Threat Simon & Schuster, 1998
chapter 12.
213. Skeptics UFO Newsletter #53 September 1998 p. 8.
Copyright 1998 The Anomalist